My Story

My name is Eva Termale. I'm a happily married wife to Dan, and a stay-at-home-homeschooling Mama to three handsome and highly energetic boys!
My days are often spent at home, drinking endless amounts of coffee, cooking, cleaning, teaching and rearranging furniture (because that's just what I do)! My Sunday's are always spent at our local, home church in Warwick, RI.
Now, I wasn't always a photographer...in fact, I'm a college grad with a B.A. in Psychology and former social service worker. I've worked with hundreds of children and families over the years. After having my first-born, I became a full-time SAHM. I loved capturing every moment and milestone of his life. In 2017, I wrote on a sticky note, "Buy a camera." Shortly after, my Dad was diagnosed with a terminal, neurodegenerative disease and placed into hospice. I longed to capture every moment I possibly could on my little iPhone. In 2019, he ascended into the presence of The Lord. My husband saw my grief and gifted me my first Canon. The camera became an outlet that brought healing to my grieving heart. It awakened my creative side - I had found my gift. After some time, I wrote on another sticky note, "Start my own photography business." ​Five years have passed and here I am today!